Friday, November 28, 2008

"Saving Our Planet" at the Salon de l'Education

Our project, Saving Our Planet, has been awarded one of the French national e-Twinning prizes, in large part thanks to the work begun last year by Malgorzata Kulakowska, Justina Tracichleb-Lichosik and Agnieszka Twardowska at the VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Kielcach, in Poland, and the work this year by Ansgar Sindermann at Ludwig-Erhard-Berufskolleg, in Germany, Marina Marino at the Liceo Scientifico "F.Cecioni", in Livorno, Italy, Lavinia Stanusi at the Liceul Teoretic Independenta, in Calafat, Romania, Ana Tudor at the Liviu Rebreanu School in Mioveni, Romania, and my colleagues here in France, such as Sylvie Izarn in my school, the Lycée Pierre et Marie Curie in Châteauroux.

Philip Benz with Monsieur Dion, Director of the CNDP.

This prize shows that our work is appreciated for its innovative aspects, most notably the student discussions on Viva, the Virtual Interactive Village. My students in France have been busy replying to students in Germany, Poland and Romania on specific environmental topics they chose, such as ozone depletion, alternative sources of energy and experimenting on animals. One topic, about water quality, and students in Romania are actually testing the water in the Danube.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all my students, my partners and their students for this resounding success. As soon as I get home from the Salon de l'Education, I'll be posting the certificate for you all to download. Good work, everyone!

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